What is a QUESTER?

THE QUESTERS is an organization dedicated to the study, conservation, and presentation of historical objects for the benefit of today and tomorrow. 

A Quester belongs to a local chapter.  State and Provincial Chapters come together to form their State/Provincial Questers organization and are part of the International Questers organization. The focus of chapter meetings is a planned program highlighting a collection, historic story, or historic site often presented by a Quester, local collector, or other expert.  State/Provincial meetings focus on a theme in a larger accessible venue, sometimes at a historical venue.   The annual Questers International Convention in the spring enhances the experience for members with tours, speakers, and mini lyceums. During the Conventions, tours highlight the Convention hosts' unique history and historical sites, along with emphasis on local Questers preservation and restoration projects.

Visit THE QUESTERS International Website: https://www.questers1944.org/

Visit THE QUESTERS California Website: https://calquest.org/ 

Our Chapter

El Camino Real Questers Chapter #1353, based in Northern San Diego County, meets once each month - from September through May - to share knowledge about history, antiques, and collections.  We support historic preservation in our community through grants and fundraising.  Our membership is open to anyone living within San Diego County and we are actively looking for new members to join our chapter!

Chapter Meetings

Our meetings take place from 12:30 pm -approximately 2:00 pm on the 2nd Monday of the month (from September through May) at the clubroom of Lake San Marcos located at 1105 La Bonita Drive, San Marcos, California, 92078.  Occasionally, a meeting/presentation may be conducted off-site at a museum or historic site.

We have an interesting program/presentation and light refreshments at each meeting. Guests are always welcome to attend our meetings - we would love to meet you!